Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Combatting Loneliness

I missed the husbands phone call last night. I had gone running with a group at a local shoe store, and had gotten home too late to speak to him. I didn't hear my phone ring. I hate it when that happens. When he's gone that tends to be the highlight of my day. I tend to not sleep well until I hear from him just because I like to know how his day went and that he made it home safe.

It's a hard life being the wife of someone gone all the time. I'm an person who likes structure and routine. With a schedule that changes by day and minute that makes the adjustment difficult. I like knowing when he's going to be home so we can plan what we're going to do and not knowing drives me up a wall. I guess you could say that the type A side kicks in. I manage with the help of friends to inject some spontaneity into the hum drum of when he's gone. I have to say that without them to keep things interesting, I would be losing my marbles.

Friends...that is the saving grace of this job. Married friends are an even bigger asset. They tend to support the fact that you're part of a duo and have some empathy about being apart for weeks at a time. I've been blessed with some very good friends and thankfully they take me under their wing. They're awesome they invite me over for dinner and out to happy hour. I can honestly say that they help bring a stability to this life.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I've been married to my pilot for almost 3 years now. It's not an easy life and after nearly seven years together we are still navigating the difficulties that the career and the personal life can encounter. My biggest goal is to be a helpful resource, a support. During a difficult time in my relationship I sought support from other pilot wives and found it less than helpful. Ignoring or avoiding the pitfalls and having a safe place to vent the frustration with the job was unavailable. I want to share my experiences with others. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I knew what I was getting myself into when I met and married my pilot, I hope to help other's know what they are going to encounter as well.